The International Youth Contest of Social Advertising Against Corruption National Awards Ceremony

Just over a month ago, submission lines to the International Youth Contest for Social Advertising Against Corruption (#IYCSAAC2019) closed. The contest gave an opportunity to young people between 14 and 35 years of age designing a poster or developing a video to raise awareness and express their attitudes towards corruption 🎬

Finally, after months of preparation – The Department of Public Service and Administration (DPSA) Cordially Invites You to its 1st annual International Youth Contest of Social Advertising National Awards Ceremony taking place @Rendezvous, The South African State Theatre on 22 November 2019 📅 🎭

Amazing prizes will awarded to all the #IYCSAAC2019 participants that submitted their videos and posters before deadline date on the 15th of October 2019 including the announcement of the contest winners who will get a chance to go to RUSSIA!

Dress Code: Elegant 👔 | RSVP: 🌐

#TogetherAgainstCorruption #DPSA #BRICS #LivecalmAfrica #ThePresidentsAward #UnitedAgainstCorruption #YouthDevelopment #Contest #Competitions&More #Videographers #GraphicDesigners #AwardsCeremony #Russia #SouthAfrica #2019